Web designs with dedicated SEO.

SRT SEO Web Design and SEO Plans


A simple web design, a few pages and a form to receive contacts or form submissions. The “Show” SEO is focused on your home page which gets better as you share your website link.

Show web design is a beginner website that engages your online presence. Perfect for a startup, project displays and getting noticed.

Show Includes a custom domain, 12 months of hosting and SEO suggestions.


“Open” connects you to your customer, like a store, service or handshake. Complete transactions, keep records and drive local views.

Open is web design built to compete where you want your clients.

SRT SEO Website Example 2

Includes a custom domain, 24 months of hosting, annual SEO updates and access to modify your website pages.

Options to expedite ranking process.


Bigger plans require bigger tools.

Complete web spaces for all demanding tasks.

SRT SEO Website Example 3

Custom domain, automatic SEO updates, insight reports, access to modify.

Logo creating, branding, ranking, SSL, hosting and everything in between.

Options to expedite ranking process.

Let’s get to work.

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or ideal name for your site
your main social media platform, Ex: Instagram @example
Ex: https://srtseo.com or leave blank
niche traffic? local lead generation? store w/ secure checkout? displaying art? UX/UI interface?
read plan description before selecting a plan option
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